We Want People
to Know Jesus
Our church will become known as an Evangelism Center that is full of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace. We are a dynamic, exciting, loving and family oriented church. We envision a church that will teach the True Gospel and will make disciples who will follow the living Lord Jesus Christ as commissioned in Matthew 28:19-20.
Mission & Vision Statement
We believe that God has greatness in store for our Ministry, as we are multicultural believers laboring to be what Jesus is calling each of us to be. We agree to serve the mission and vision as laborers in God’s plan for this Ministry, by supporting and building up individuals and families spiritually, with the help of The Holy Spirit.
what we do
Our Values
Passionate Commitment
We strive to make it our daily mission to seek and serve God with everything that we are.
Generous Servanthood
Inward Focus
We work to spread Christ’s message to people who are not part of our church.